Still, Hermes said his Oakland based organization was concerned

I had a room made into a closet. I hang the scarves over those big wire hangers that draperies come on. I hang them over the roll, just like you would hang textiles. California is unique among them for the presence of dispensaries, which are businesses that sell marijuana and even advertise their services. Legal under California law, such dispensaries are still illegal under federal law.Kris Hermes, a spokesman for national medical marijuana advocacy group Americans for Safe Access, said he welcomed Holder’s perspective.”It signals a new direction and a more reasonable and sensible direction on medical marijuana policy,” he said.Still, Hermes said his Oakland based organization was concerned about the fate of more than two dozen California medical marijuana cases currently pending in federal court.”There remains a big question as to what the federal government’s position is on those cases,” Hermes said. He pointed specifically to the case of Charles Lynch Replica Hemres Hermes Replica Handbags, who was federally convicted for running a medical marijuana dispensary collective in San Luis Obispo County last year..

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