Scene Kids What Are They Like
Scene Kids: What Are They Like
In this article, we are going to take a look at scene kids. We will address how to identify a scene kid or teen and explore the phenomenon of the scene movement.
Have you ever been walking down the street and passed a group of kids or teens with lots of colorful makeup? Perhaps, when you took a further glance, you could not tell which of the children were boys and which were girls? And, when you looked at their hair or tried to hear their music, you felt as if they were from another planet?
Welcome to the world of the scene movement, a movement embraced by many kids in our culture today.
Many parents have a near heart attack when they see their children transform into scene kids. You might just be one of those parents who is facing the transformation as you are reading this.
Should you be worried that you child is becoming a scene kid?
Well, let’s take a look at some of the characteristics of scene kids and teens and you will see that the scene movement is not such a bad thing.
First, let’s take a look at the scene hair.
The first element of scene hair is that it is teased and tossed much more than any regular type of hairstyle. The hair can be long or short but it is clearly identified by streaks of color. Scene kids love color in their hair.
Next, you may realize that scene kids have their own language, especially when they are writing. One element of this movement is uniqueness, as we see with the hair and now the language. The language that they use is often a derivation of words that we use in the English language. In writing, scene kids will intentionally spell words differently and in speaking they will come up with new words to identify things.
The music that these kids listen is also very different. To be a scene kid is falloutshelterhackcheats to listen to music that others do not. Though they may have the best MP3 players, you will not hear teen kids listening to today’s top ten songs. By identifying new music and attending shows (never say concerts-that is not a scene thing), you can stand out with other kids who are also part of the scene movement.
So, if you are a parent of a scene kid, you may wonder if all of these things are bad. The answer is probably no.
Scene kids and teens are simply expressing their creativity and, most of the time, this creativity is expressed in positive ways through fashion, music, and hairstyles.