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Prada Replica Handbags CCTV footage of pub thief stealing woman’s handbag goes viral on Facebook as victim calls for help in catching ‘dirty rotten rat’MARTINA Cannon was robbed of her handbag and its contents in a pub in Edinburgh on Friday and after finding CCTV footage of the culprit she has turned to social media to help find him. Share11:16, 12 MAY 2015Updated13:04, 12 MAY 2015Get daily updates directly to your inbox+ SubscribeThank you for subscribing!Could not subscribe, try again laterInvalid EmailCCTV footage of a brazen thief who snatched a woman’s bag inside a packed city pub has gone viral after being shared online.Martina Cannon was enjoying a night out at the Drouthy Neebors bar in Edinburgh on Friday evening when the man made off with her handbag and its contents.The singer managed to get hold of a copy of the CCTV footage and shared it on Facebook Cheap Prada Bags Cheap Prada, urging anyone who can identify the man involved to get in touch.Sharing the video, she wrote: “Here is clear footage of the dirty rotten rat stealing my bag from Drouthy nebors on Friday night, can everyone please share this video to help me catch him, someone must know him.”Your help is much appreciated. This man is the scum of the earth, lowest of the low and must be stopped, looks like he knows what he’s doing.”The bag was a Harris Tweed, McKenzie tartan, blue and black Prada Replica Handbags.

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